
Announcement on Dhivehi | English
Get ready for Tradian
To ensure a smooth transition to Tradian, we’re offering a series of Tradian Training Sessions. These sessions are designed for shipping agents, freight forwarders, importers, exporters, and Cross Border Regulatory Agencies (CBRAs) to help you understand the new platform and how to use it efficiently.
Important dates
12th September 2024: Registration for Tradian training opens for all interested parties. Be sure to register early to secure your spot.
15th October 2024: Tradian Platform will be opened for registration for all relevant parties, including Shipping Agents, Freight Forwarders, Importers & Exporters, and Cross Border Regulatory Agencies (CBRAs).
1st November 2024: Tradian goes live.
What is Tradian?
Tradian is a digital platform designed to simplify and streamline international trade in the Maldives. As the National Single Window (NSW) system, it allows traders, government agencies, and other stakeholders to submit and access all import, export, and transit-related documents through a single point of access. By connecting various agencies and automating key processes, Tradian reduces administrative burdens, improves efficiency, and enhances transparency in trade operations.
What you need to do
• Register for Training: Training Registration opens on 12th September 2024 for all relevant parties.
• Attend training: Once registered, you are required to attend the training sessions to ensure a smooth and efficient transition to Tradian.
Training Sessions Details
To help you seamlessly integrate into the Tradian platform, we have developed a series of specialised training courses. These sessions are tailored for both public and private sector stakeholders, ensuring that you have the necessary knowledge to make the most of Tradian’s features. Below are the details of the available training sessions, including schedules, participant requirements, and topics covered.
Training Name: Introduction to Seamless Trade with Tradian (Online)
When: Every Tuesday morning (17th 24th September, 1st, 8th, 15th,22nd, 29th October)
Who Should Attend: All participants (recommended before other modules)
Mode of Training: Online
Overview and Topics Covered: Introduction to Tradian, focusing on how to streamline trade operations. Topics: Tradian overview, National Single Window concept, platform demo, Q&A.
Training Name: Efficient Shipping Operations with Tradian
When: Wednesdays- 25th September, 2nd, 9th, 23rd October)
Who Should Attend: Shipping agents
Mode of Training: In-person
Overview and Topics Covered: Helps shipping agents optimise their shipping processes with Tradian. Topics: Vessel registration, manifest submissions, eDO management, Q&A.
Training Name: Freight Forwarding Operations with Tradian
When: Wednesdays (18th, 25th September, 9th,16th, 23rd, 30th October)
Who Should Attend: Freight forwarders
Mode of Training: In-person
Overview and Topics Covered: Provides practical insights into using Tradian for efficient freight management. Topics: Manifest handling, Bill of Lading submissions, eDO issuance, Q&A.
Training Name: Import and Export Compliance with Tradian
When: Wednesdays (18th September, 2nd, 16th, 30th October)
Who Should Attend: Importers and exporters
Mode of Training: In-person
Overview and Topics Covered: Essential compliance training for managing licences and certificates using Tradian. Topics: Licence and permit management, certificate submission, Q&A.
Training Name: Customised Group Training Sessions
When: Available on request for larger groups
Who Should Attend: Larger groups
Mode of Training: Customised (Online or In-person)
Overview and Topics Covered: Tailored training session based on the specific needs of the group. Topics: Customised content depending on group requirements.
How to register
You can register for these training sessions through the Tradian Website:
Introduction to Seamless Trade with Tradian (Online Training)
Efficient Shipping Operations with Tradian
Freight Forwarding Operations with Tradian
Import and Export Compliance with Tradian
Customised Group Training Sessions with Tradian (Contact Us)
Contact details
For any inquiries, please contact:
Hawwa Afrau Abdul Ganee
Learning & Development Lead
Tel: 333 4001